Town Planning

The Shire of Bruce Rock principal planning document that governs development is the Local Planning Scheme No 3. The Local Planning Strategy along with the Townsite and District of Bruce Rock maps support the Local Planning Scheme No 3 when matters are presented for consideration that for example are not specifically listed in the Local Planning Scheme No 3. For land in Bruce Rock town sites where residential development is permitted they are required to be consistent with the Residential Design Codes (R Codes)

Residential Design Codes Volume 1 2024

Residential Design Codes Volume 1 Explanatory Guidelines

Furthermore, the Shire of Bruce Rock have the following Polices:

  • Policy 5.2 Outbuildings, Shipping Containers and Lean- Tos
    • This Policy 5.2 objectives are to permit outbuildings (also known as sheds…), shipping containers and lean-tos (as defined by the Policy) that meet the needs and lifestyles of residents, and broadacre farming activities whilst being appropriate for the land’s zoning and the use of the land. Also, to ensure development outcomes will provide for a high standard of built form and visual appearance.
        • Should you be considering the construction of and Outbuilding, lean-To, or placement of a shipping container on any land within a town site or a rural area it is a requirement that your plans are presented to the Shire of Bruce Rock office to determine the requirements for your proposal. A nominal fee applies, and formal correspondence is provided regarding your development proposal.
  • Policy 5.4 Local Planning Policy for Heritage Places
    • This Policy 5.4 objectives are to conserve and protect places of cultural heritage significance that are identified on the Heritage List; Ensure that developments do not adversely impact the significance of heritage places identified on the Heritage List; Ensure that heritage significance is given due weight in local planning decision making; Provide certainty to landowners and community about the planning processes for identification and protection of places identified in the Heritage List.
        • Please check the Shire of Bruce Rock Local Heritage Survey 2022 (Shire of Bruce Rock Local Heritage Survey 2022)to see if you have a property or place that is listed. In most cases your development of a property or place could be determined to be Minor Works as defined in the Policy 5.4. To be sure please contact the Shire of Bruce Rock office to determine the requirements for your proposal which will be required to be presented to the Council for consideration of approval; A nominal fee applies, and formal correspondence is provided regarding your development proposal.

In most cases enquiries to the Shire of Bruce Rock office regarding any of the above matters will be transferred to the  Shire of Bruce Rock Manager of Regulatory Services Mr Julian Goldacre to assist you in your development proposal(s).