Ranger Services

If your dog is caught and put in the pound you will have to pay a fine before you can retrieve it. If your dog is caught without a registration tag you will also be required to pay the registration fee.

Your dog can be registered for one year, three years or you can do a lifetime registration. One year registration is $50.00 for an unsterilised dog and $120.00 for 3 years for an unsterilised dog. Sterilised dogs are $20.00 and $42.50 respectively. To receive the sterilisation discount you must provide proof of sterilisation. Pensioners receive a further 50% off the fee's.

Unsterilised Sterilised
1 Year $50.00 $20.00
1 Year (Pensioner) $25.00 $10.00
3 Years $120.00 $42.50
3 Years (Pensioner) $60.00 $21.25
Lifetime $250.00 $100.00
Lifetime (Pensioner) $125.00 $50.00

Download a copy of the registration form here.

If you lose your dogs registration tag, please come into the office and we will issue you a new one.

If you have any animal control issues please contact the Shire Office on 9061 1377 with the details and they will follow up the issue.

Dog Microchipping

 Found Animals